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Generate a New Revenue Stream for Your Property With $0 Upfront Costs

Posted by Luxer One
on Oct 7, 2024 8:00:00 PM

Generate a New Revenue Stream for Your Property With $0 Upfront Costs


Multifamily property managers are facing two critical challenges: managing the ever-increasing volume of packages and finding ways to generate new revenue streams—all while working with limited budgets. With budget season in full swing and holiday package piles on the horizon it’s no wonder this issue is at the forefront of our minds.


Handling Package Piles at Multifamily Communities


The Growing Package Problem

More residents than ever shopping online and package delivery has become a logistical nightmare for many property managers. Piles of boxes can clutter lobbies, overwhelm leasing offices, and frustrate residents if their deliveries aren’t properly secured or managed.


Manual package handling is time-consuming, error-prone, and takes valuable time away from your team’s more critical responsibilities. Not to mention, improperly stored packages can result in theft or damage, leading to dissatisfied tenants.

Budget Season for Multifamily Industry


Tight Budgets, Big Challenges

Many properties are already feeling the pinch of a tight budget, and investing in new amenities may seem out of reach. You know your residents demand solutions for package security and convenience, but balancing those demands with fiscal responsibility is a constant challenge.


What if there was a way to enhance resident satisfaction, streamline operations, and add a new revenue stream—all without spending a dime upfront?


Easy Package Management Solution for Multifamily Communities


Luxer One: A No-Cost Solution to Drive New Revenue

Tight budgets shouldn’t mean sacrificing the overall resident experience. Install smart lockers with $0 upfront costs with Luxer-as-a-Service (LaaS). Instantly transform your package management into a seamless process while giving properties the opportunity to create a new revenue stream.

Here’s how it works:

  • Streamlined Package Handling: Our smart lockers automate package delivery, ensuring residents can pick up their packages securely and at their convenience. With 100% package acceptance this reduces operational stress and improves resident satisfaction.

  • Zero Upfront Investment: Rather than expensive capital expenditures, our LaaS model allows for $0 upfront cost and offers an affordable monthly fee.

  • Generate Revenue, Not Headaches: Luxer One’s LaaS model allows properties to cover the monthly locker fees in their OpEx budget OR pass the fee on to residents. This can essentially turn an operational challenge into a new profit center. The lockers can pay for themselves!


Don’t let tight budgets hold you back from upgrading your property. Contact Luxer One today to learn how you can install smart lockers with $0 upfront costs and start generating revenue from day one.


Resources: Capitol One Research

Topics: Package Delivery, Luxer One, Property Management, Package Management, Package Lockers, Safety & Security, Technology, Sustainability, Resident, services, Package Room, Package Management Solutions, Multifamily, Uptime

Written by Luxer One