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Generate a New Revenue Stream for Your Property With $0 Upfront Costs

Posted by Luxer One
on Oct 7, 2024 8:00:00 PM


Multifamily property managers are facing two critical challenges: managing the ever-increasing volume of packages and finding ways to generate new revenue streams—all while working with limited budgets. With budget season in full swing and holiday package piles on the horizon it’s no wonder this issue is at the forefront of our minds.



The Growing Package Problem

More residents than ever shopping online and package delivery has become a logistical nightmare for many property managers. Piles of boxes can clutter lobbies, overwhelm leasing offices, and frustrate residents if their deliveries aren’t properly secured or managed.


Manual package handling is time-consuming, error-prone, and takes valuable time away from your team’s more critical responsibilities. Not to mention, improperly stored packages can result in theft or damage, leading to dissatisfied tenants.

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Topics: Package Delivery, Luxer One, Property Management, Package Management, Package Lockers, Safety & Security, Technology, Sustainability, Resident, services, Package Room, Package Management Solutions, Multifamily, Uptime

From Chaos to Control: How Device Management Lockers Transform Retail Operations

Posted by Luxer One
on Sep 30, 2024 7:04:22 AM


Retail businesses rely heavily on technology, from tablets and mobile scanners to point-of-sale systems. Managing these devices often becomes a logistical nightmare, resulting in lost, damaged, or undercharged equipment. Mismanagement not only slows down operations but can also lead to significant revenue losses.

Retailers need a streamlined solution that ensures devices are always secure, fully charged, and easily accessible. When devices are properly managed, retailers can rest assured that their operating systems are optimized and efficient. Smart lockers have become the ideal choice for retailers to resolve the growing problem of device management.


Device Management Lockers Boost Productivity

Misplaced or uncharged devices can bring retail activities to a halt, especially when employees need devices for crucial tasks like scanning inventory or processing transactions. Smart lockers equipped with charging ports offer a solution by ensuring every device is in a designated spot, charged, and ready to go, minimizing downtime and maximizing productivity.

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Topics: Luxer One, Security, Safety & Security, Technology, Asset Exchange, employee storage, Uptime, Charging Lockers, Device Storage, Retail Solutions, Device Management

Save Time and Money on Multifamily Package Management with Luxer Liaison

Posted by Evyn Kremer
on Sep 22, 2024 8:00:00 PM


With online shopping on the rise, efficient package management is more important than ever. Handling endless package deliveries and the countless resident emails that accompany them is a constant drain on time and resources for property staff. It’s time to get the package problem off your hands and restore more time to your day. The onsite package management experts with Luxer Liaison are just the solution to fit your needs.


Saved Time for Staff

Handling packages is a time-consuming task that pulls property managers away from critical responsibilities like giving tours, addressing maintenance requests, and enhancing the resident experience.


With Luxer Liaison, package management is handled effortlessly by our onsite package experts, who ensure that every delivery is scanned, logged, and organized, making it easy for residents to retrieve their packages. 

According to our partnered communities reports, properties with around 200 units have saved an average of 10+ hours per week on package management tasks. For larger communities with 500+ units, the savings are even more significant, with some properties reducing package management time by 30 to 40 hours each week.


This reclaimed time can now be directed toward leasing, resident relations, and other high-value tasks. 

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Topics: Package Delivery, Luxer One, Property Management, Package Management, Package Lockers, Resident, services, Package Room, Liaison, Package Management Solutions, Multifamily, Budget, Package Concierge, Luxer Liaison, Uptime

5 Factors Property Managers Must Consider When Choosing a Package Management Solution

Posted by Luxer One
on Sep 9, 2024 6:04:56 AM


Handling the influx of package deliveries efficiently and securely is one of the growing challenges for property managers worldwide. As online shopping continues to surge, the need for reliable package management solutions is more critical than ever. At Luxer One, we understand the intricacies of property management and the importance of making informed decisions. Here are key factors property managers should consider when choosing package delivery locker management solutions.


1. Value vs Price

The old adage, "You get what you pay for," rings particularly true in the realm of package delivery lockers. It may be tempting to pick the cheapest option, but it's important to think about the value it offers.


While cheaper lockers may seem like a good deal, they often have less security, less space, and less than optimal customer service. Some smart locker companies may offer lower prices at the cost of surveillance options, quality customer service, and/or optimal capacity capabilities.


When selecting a locker solution, consider its strength, security, ease of use, and level of customer support. A high-quality locker makes it easy and safe to get packages, saving time and trouble in the future.


Investing in a higher-quality locker may cost more upfront, but it can ultimately save you time, money, and stress in the long term. Ensuring a superior user experience ultimately reduces costs and headaches down the line.

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Topics: Package Delivery, Luxer One, Property Management, Package Management, Package Lockers, Security, Technology, Sustainability, Resident, Integration, Package Room, Mobile App, Package Management Solutions, Multifamily, Budget, Package Concierge, Uptime

How to Best Handle Baggage Security at Stadiums for Games and Events

Posted by Luxer One
on Aug 28, 2024 6:00:18 AM


It's five minutes until kick-off, and there's a rush of fans heading towards the gate—each one carrying a bag that needs to be checked. Half of them are annoyed that the lines are long and the other half are frustrated that their bag breaks the rules.

The security team shouldn’t have to worry about upset fans missing the kickoff to take their bags back to their car. Guests shouldn’t have to worry about the safety of their personal items or leaving them a mile away in their car! Instead, stadiums across the country are beginning to implement self-service, bag drop smart locker systems.

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Topics: Luxer One, Security, Safety & Security, Technology, Self-Storage, Mobile App, Bag Drop, Stadium Security, Droplocker, Bag Storage for Events

How Luxer One Maintains Uptime During Inclement Weather and Unprecedented Events

Posted by Luxer One
on Aug 12, 2024 6:15:17 PM


Theaters aren’t the only places we are seeing Twisters these days! Not to mention the “digital storm” from the CrowdStrike error bringing down tech products nationwide. As Hurricane season gets into full swing and inclement weather is on the rise, there are a few things property managers should monitor when utilizing both indoor and outdoor locker units.

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Topics: Package Delivery, Luxer One, Property Management, Package Management, Package Lockers, Security, Technology, Resident, Package Management Solutions, Multifamily, Uptime, Storm Preparedness, Weather

How to Prepare for Christmas in July with Luxer One's Multi-Family Solutions

Posted by Luxer One
on Jul 22, 2024 3:00:00 AM


As we enter the second-half of the year, we know that July quickly snowballs into December and with it a surge in holiday package deliveries that can overwhelm property managers. At Luxer One, we understand the challenges that come with managing this influx. Ensure that your property is ready to handle the peak delivery periods smoothly and efficiently with our smart locker solutions.

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Topics: Package Delivery, Luxer One, Holiday, Property Management, Package Management, Package Lockers, Security, Technology, Resident, services, Package Room, Liaison, Package Management Solutions, Multifamily, Christmas

Luxer Liaison: A Familiar Face and Trusted Community Partner

Posted by Evyn Kremer
on Jul 17, 2024 5:30:00 PM


In a world where convenience often comes at the cost of human interaction, Luxer One offers a refreshing approach. Luxer Liaison, our white-glove package management service, is just the personal touch your community needs.


Our Liaisons are not just service providers; they are real people who genuinely care about making your residents’ lives easier. Today, we’re shining a spotlight on Val, our exceptional Liaison in Washington D.C., who exemplifies the personalized, friendly, and attentive service attributed to Luxer Liaison.

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Topics: Package Delivery, Luxer One, Property Management, Package Management, Package Lockers, Technology, Resident, Package Room, Liaison, Mobile App, Package Management Solutions, Multifamily, Package Concierge, Luxer Liaison

Budget-Friendly Solutions for Property Managers from Luxer One

Posted by Luxer One
on Jul 10, 2024 1:01:39 PM


Budget season is quickly upon us and as an industry leader, Luxer One understands the challenges of balancing quality improvements with financial constraints. We are committed to providing innovative solutions that fit seamlessly into your budget. Ensuring your property remains competitive and attractive to residents is a priority and we offer top-class amenities without straining your financial resources.

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Topics: Package Delivery, Luxer One, Property Management, Package Management, Package Lockers, Technology, Resident, Package Room, Liaison, Mobile App, Package Management Solutions, Multifamily, Budget

Unlock Efficiency & Security: Newest, Innovative Solutions for Property Managers From Luxer One

Posted by Luxer One
on Jul 2, 2024 4:30:00 AM


As online shopping increases, property managers are seeking more efficient ways to manage package deliveries to meet the demand for convenience. With over 15 years in the locker business, Luxer One has successfully managed millions of package deliveries across industries. We strive to relentlessly improve our systems and processes to exceed expectations through regularly analyzing customer feedback. Luxer One’s Smart Lockers and Liaison Services are game-changers in package management.

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Topics: Package Delivery, Luxer One, Property Management, Package Management, Package Lockers, Security, Technology, Resident, services, Package Room, Liaison, Mobile App, Package Management Solutions