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Evyn Kremer

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Luxer Liaison: A Familiar Face and Trusted Community Partner

Posted by Evyn Kremer
on Jul 17, 2024 5:30:00 PM


In a world where convenience often comes at the cost of human interaction, Luxer One offers a refreshing approach. Luxer Liaison, our white-glove package management service, is just the personal touch your community needs.


Our Liaisons are not just service providers; they are real people who genuinely care about making your residents’ lives easier. Today, we’re shining a spotlight on Val, our exceptional Liaison in Washington D.C., who exemplifies the personalized, friendly, and attentive service attributed to Luxer Liaison.

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Topics: Package Delivery, Luxer One, Property Management, Package Management, Package Lockers, Technology, Resident, Package Room, Liaison, Mobile App, Package Management Solutions, Multifamily, Package Concierge, Luxer Liaison

The Human Touch in Package Management: Luxer Liaison

Posted by Evyn Kremer
on May 21, 2024 4:16:46 PM


At Luxer One, we believe that technology should empower the human element. That’s why we are redefining package management by seamlessly blending cutting-edge technology with a human touch. Our Liaison service goes beyond traditional package solutions, offering an onsite presence that complements Luxer One’s industry-leading technology.  The combination of the two delivers a truly elevated resident experience in multifamily communities. Courtney, our dedicated Luxer Liaison in Atlanta, provides a perfect example of this.

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Topics: Package Lockers, Security, Technology, BOPIS, Retail, FirstLookRetail